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2025808423, who called me?

Find if the phone number 2025808423 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 2025808423. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is? Information about the phone 2025808423, 202-5808423, (202) 5808423, 202-580-8423

Comments and reports for the phone 2025808423

(1) Very helpful Not helpful
2025808423 belongs to Unknown      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Ifeatu 10 years ago
I got a call saying they were the IRS and they were filing a law suit against me. This is my final notice and to call 202-580-8423. I believe it\\\'s a scam! I know the IRS will send you a letter if they have a case against you. So unless I here from the IRS through the mail, I will ignore this call.
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Type of call: Unspecified
Report by Kirstine 10 years ago
I recieved a recorded call from 585-226-9880 just minutes ago. The recorded message said the same as the other people. \"IRS is suing me and this is last call to settle this. Call 202-580-8423\". This is the second call I\'ve recieved with tgis message! I believe that the government/IRS know who I am, where I live, and how to contact me officially! Especially if they are wanting to sue someone, I\'d have gotten an offical letter! Not a phone call!
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Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Stephanie 10 years ago
I got a call from 607-734-9187 saying it was the IRS and they were filing a lawsuit against me and to call 202-580-8423.
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2025808423 belongs to IRS ???      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Elizabeth 10 years ago
I got a call saying they were the IRS and they were filing a law siut against me. This is my final notice and to call 202-580-8423. I believe it\'s a scam!
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2025808423 belongs to recording      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by paul 10 years ago
I got a call from 718-377-9204. A recording saying it was the irs and they were taking me to court and to call 202-580-8423
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2025808423 belongs to Per caller ; it\'s IRS      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Caroline 10 years ago
It\'s a voice mail that\'s telling me that its their final call and that IRS is filing a case against me. For what I know if IRS will do that they usually do it in writing rather than leaving messages. I think this is a scam.
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