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8333427595, who called me?

Find if the phone number 8333427595 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 8333427595. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is? Information about the phone 8333427595, 833-3427595, (833) 3427595, 833-342-7595

Comments and reports for the phone 8333427595

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8333427595 belongs to DL&Associates      Type of call: Debt collector
Report by Teri 6 years ago
They had a process server call my daughter that they have came to my home several times to serve me they even sent the sheriff out twice with a warrant, told my daughter I refuse to open the door but gave them her name and number and told them that they could serve her on my behalf. I called them with the doc # they gave my daughter first off the guy said most people that call them know why they are calling I told him they didn’t call me he had a smart ass attitude and it only got worse when I told him I don’t owe US Bank anything and that this so called debt was pass the statue of limitations and that I called my attorney general and was told they have no authority in my state of California and they were violating the law his attitude just got worse more aggressive they are a scam one of these companies that just keep buying delinquent debt from one company to the next.
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Type of call: Debt collector
Report by Mike 6 years ago
Scam, claiming to be trying to serve papers. Aggressive, fraudulent and in violation of federal collection regulations (if they even are actual debt collectors).
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Type of call: Debt collector
Report by Anonym 6 years ago
They contacted all my relatives with my last name saying I missed a court date. I called the City Clerk\'s office and they did not find my name for any court dates missed. Orlando Garcia was very aggressive and hung up on me when I told him I was disputing that claim.
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8333427595 belongs to Scam      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Anonym 6 years ago
No caller ID and left a message threatening to send documents to my home or work address. Couriers don’t deliver legal documents only process servers or Sheriff. These people need to get a job and leave people alone!!!
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Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Anonym 6 years ago
Threatening to serve court docs at my home or work.
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8333427595 belongs to County Courier      Type of call: Harassment call
Report by Diana 6 years ago
Scam call demanding information on a family member. Threatening to send someone in person to address and place of employment.
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8333427595 belongs to third party      Type of call: Harassment call
Report by Anonym 6 years ago
Aggressive scammer
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8333427595 belongs to Wouldn\'t give name, \"third party\"      Type of call: Harassment call
Report by Anonym 6 years ago
Aggressive scammer, threatening litigation if fines aren\'t paid.
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8333427595 belongs to Scam      Type of call: Harassment call
Report by Alex 6 years ago
Scam caller, please careful, they pretending to serve you some Court documents
(3) Very helpful Not helpful
8333427595 belongs to \"Law office\"      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Troy L. 6 years ago
They contacted my son, thinking it was my number and aggressively trying to get info on me, and demanded he tell me to call them.
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